Project Description: There are two possible projects - (i) designing and implementing robotic swarms with high-level specifications on their dynamics. The focus is on quantifying the sensing/actuation/computational requirements needed to generate different swarm dynamics. (ii) developing high-level, verifiable specification languages for the design and control of robotic systems, eventually contributing to ROS (Robot Operating System).
The focus of both projects is on simple mobile robots for personal/household use.
Applicants should review these publications to get a sense of related research:
Interest in robotics, math, and/or programming languages
CS, Physics, ECE, ME, Math, and any other engineering or design-based major
Experience in robotic hardware or electronics preferred
Interest in non-traditional programming languages such as functional or algebraic languages preferred
Experience with relevant math (e.g., logic, algebra, graph theory, topology, or statistical mechanics) preferred
Please contact
Alexandra Niles (Graduate Student, Computer Science)
Motion Strategy and Virtual Reality Laboratory