We're Bringing Amazing Minority Engineering Talent to Silicon Valley.
The CODE2040 Fellows Program matches high performing black and latino undergraduate and graduate software engineering students with Silicon Valley start-ups for summer internships, and also provides them with the insight, networks and support to ensure their successful participation in the high tech innovation economy.
The latest census projections show that people of color will be the majority in the United States by the year 2040. And yet there is no indication that the substantial minority achievement gap will be closed by that same year. We are launching CODE2040 to make a direct impact on the achievement gap by increasing the numbers of underrepresented minorities participating in the high-value innovation economy -- an economy centered in Silicon Valley.
CODE2040 launched its pilot Fellows Program in Summer 2012.
Interested in becoming a fellow in summer 2013? APPLY TODAY!! The first deadline to apply is October 31st.