2013 IllinoisLLAA Book Scholarship
The Illinois Latina/Latino Alumni Association (IllinoisLLAA) has four book scholarships available for this academic year! Each award amount totals up to $500 with $250 in the fall and $250 in the spring (contingent upon continued good academic standing).
Three undergraduate students and one graduate student will be selected.
Only students at the Urbana-Champaign campus are eligible.
Only completed applications will be considered.
Original receipts will be needed for reimbursement.
Apply Now!!
The Deadline for the IllinoisLLAA Book Scholarship application is Friday, September 20, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.
Submit your application to scholarship@illinoisllaa.org
Undergraduate Application
Graduate Application
Questions? Email us at: scholarship@illinoisLLAA.orgThe selection criteria for the Illinois Latina/Latino Alumni Association Book Scholarship are:1. Scholarly Ability2. Leadership Skills3. Service4. Demonstrated Financial Need5. Latina/Latino ancestry (at least one parent who has Latina/Latino heritage)