Illinois DHS has recently released a public notice related to the updated approved evaluation/assessment instrument listing.
This list now includes the following assessment instruments:
- Parenting Stress Index – Short Form (PSI-SF) (assessment only; use only in conjunction with a tool that provides age equivalents) Under Social Emotional
- Sensory Processing Measure – Preschool [SPM-P] (assessment only, to be used in conjunction with a tool that provides age equivalent or % delay) Under Sensory
Please remember that if you are using any instrument that is not listed on this list, they will not be accepted by the CFCs and/or you risk potential refund requests from EI Monitoring as well.
All instruments listed require that you are properly trained and credentialed to use them based on the developmental needs of the child and family.
See links below for details!
EI Approved Evaluation and Assessment Instrument List
Provider Notice - Revised E/A instrument listing - July 18, 2016 (pdf)