The National and International Scholarships Program (NISP) is offering a two-day informational event about the Luce Scholars Program. The Luce is a one-year internship after graduation in Asia or Southeast-Asia, and designed specifically for students who do not have much prior experience in that region. On August 28, 2014, the NISP will offer an informational overview session, including advice from a previous Illinois Luce recipient, followed on August 29, 2014 with a workshop designed to help students begin to craft their personal statements.
The dates and times are as follows; all events will be held in 514 IUB.
August 28, 2014, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Informational session and discussion with former Luce Scholar
August 29, 2014, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Workshop on how to craft a Personal Statement
More information about the Luce can be found here:
Luce Scholarship deadline September 24, 2014
Ever considered traveling somewhere out of the ordinary after graduation or during your graduate studies? What about gaining valuable international work experience in your area of study?
The Luce Scholars Program offers prestigious fellowships for 15-18 such individuals each year. A select few universities, including the University of Illinois, may nominate up to three candidates for the award. The scholarship provides an internship and all-expenses paid year in East or Southeast Asia. The goal of the program is to provide an Asian experience for those who will be future leaders in their field and communities, but have yet to come in much contact with Asian affairs. Thus, Asian studies majors/minors or anyone who has been to Asia for more than eight weeks are not eligible. No prior Asian language study is required. Any senior, graduate student or young professional who is a U.S. citizen and under the age of 29 is eligible to apply. Both the on-line application and additional information about the Luce Scholars Program may be obtained from:
If interested, please contact David Schug, National and International Scholarships Program, 807 South Wright Street, Fifth Floor, Illini Union Bookstore, MC-317 or at or (217) 333-4710. The campus deadline for completed applications (including official transcripts from all college and graduate work and four letters of recommendation) is noon on September 24, 2014. The National and International Scholarships Program is also willing to review your application materials in order to provide you feedback prior to the September 24 deadline.
Thanks to David Schug of the National and International Scholarships Program for this information item.