The program achieves its mission by helping college graduates who wish to teach American history, American government, and social studies – as well as experienced teachers who wish to teach those subjects—master the contents of American constitutional history through study for a master’s degree. It thereby addresses one of the urgent needs of American education: to ensure that secondary school teachers are knowledgeable and informed about subjects that are important to civic life as well as to learning. To learn more, please view a short video of James Madison Fellows speaking about the fellowship program at
Although candidates for this program do not require a “nomination,” and historically, approximately one-fourth of awardees come from college seniors, with the remainder coming from in-service secondary school teachers. The Fellowship FAQs page includes tips to help applicants prepare an exemplary application.
The 2015 competition application is available online at If you have any questions please send an email to The application deadline is March 1, 2015.
The James Madison Fellowship Program Fellowship Support Center hours are: Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00 CT; for more info, go to
Thanks to the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation for this information item.