LINC students engage in a variety of research, service and fieldwork activities and collaborate on interdisciplinary projects of significance to local and international community partners. Students have built bridges, produced marketing campaigns, improved water systems, developed youth programs, designed rain gardens, and lots more!
Students can gain knowledge and skills in conducting research, understanding social and environmental issues, analyzing community and organizational needs and assets, defining problems, generating and analyzing solutions, project scoping, planning, and execution, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and professional writing.
Don’t miss your opportunity to gain professional experience and make a lasting impact in the community! ENG 315 counts as an elective for the Leadership Studies Minor. To learn more about LINC projects, see and watch the video, "What is LINC?" at For questions, contact Shikhank Sharma (
Sections offered:
AP – Allerton Park. Projects related to environmental sustainability and education.
CAU – COVE Alliance Uganda. Projects related to international development, nonprofit funding, donor relations and infrastructure.
CMC – Prairie Land Conflict Mediation Center. Projects related to conflict resolution and mediation, legal services, and nonprofit management.
CUH – C-U at Home. Projects related to homelessness, support services and advocacy.
HID – Haiti Infrastructure Development. Projects related to international development, water issues, reforestation and community engagement.
MNI – Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur and Community Partners (India).
NMI – Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies and Mumbai Community Partners (India).
PHD – Champaign-Urbana Public Health District. Projects related to public health, community gardening, and education.
SI – Savanna Institute. Projects related to sustainable agriculture research, outreach and education.
USD – Urbana School District, Walking School Bus Program. Projects related to public health, youth education, and urban planning.
Thanks to Shikhank Sharma and Bruce Litchfield of LINC for this information item.