Activities will include removal of honeysuckle & other invasive brush from natural areas. This will include: cutting, pulling, hauling, and stacking brush. Please dress accordingly. Tools, gloves, instruction, and refreshments will be provided. RSVP that you'll be attending by calling 384-4062 at least one day prior to the event date, or go to to sign up online. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Groups are welcome.
Stewardship Saturday is December 13, 2014:
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. - Busey Woods, Meet at Anita Purvis Nature Center
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. - Weaver Park, pull off at the intersection of Main Street and Smith Road
For more information please contact: Kruse, Tyson tjkruse@UrbanaParks.Org or visit
Thanks to the OVP listserv for this information item.