On September 26, 1983, Stanislav Petrov saved the world.
Most people have no idea that, for a few terrifying minutes in 1983, humanity's fate hung on one man's decision to follow his conscience. Petrov, a Russian lieutenant colonel, sacrificed his own career-and prevented all-out nuclear war-by disobeying the chain of command and following his conscience. The world should know how close we all came to disaster and that the same threat remains today.
Come join the screening of “The Man Who Saved the World” and be a part of the movement to shine a light on this unknown hero's story. This program is on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in 1090 Lincoln Hall.
Cosponsored by The Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS) and the LAS Global Studies Program.
Thanks to Timothy Wedig of Global Studies for this information item.