As soon as there are specific funding numbers available, they will be announced at:
Contest rules are as follows:
Short Fiction: no contestant may submit more than one unpublished story (7500 words, maximum length)
Poetry: no contestant may submit more than 200 lines, as a single unpublished poem or a group of unpublished poems
Only University of Illinois undergraduate students are eligible to compete. To be considered for a prize, submissions must adhere to the following rules.
*All submissions must be sent to the following email address:
*Depending on your entry (poetry or fiction), the subject line must read as follows: UNDERGRAD POETRY or UNDERGRAD FICTION (not both).
*If you enter in both categories (poetry and fiction), you will need to send separate emails.
*Your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, net id, status (undergrad), and UIN number must appear in the body of the email.
*Your fiction OR poetry entry is to be contained in one attachment (doc, docx, or rtf only), the name of which should be as follows: contest category followed by your last name, such as FICTIONJONES or POETRYJONES. Your name should not appear in the attachment itself.
Deadline: Noon, Monday, March 2, 2015
Thanks to Anna Ivy and Steve Davenport of the Department of English for this information item.