Each year, the Illinois Leadership® Center offers 4 internships to juniors and seniors. These internships are paid, year-long experiences. Intern responsibilities include coordinating i-Programs and implementing leadership projects while gaining valuable professional skills. The basic requirements to be eligible include:
*High academic achievement (a minimum of 2.8/4.0)
*Junior or Senior standing during the term of the Internship
*Availability to work 15 hours per week
Interested in learning more? They will be hosting an information session on:
*Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Illinois Leadership® Center, room 290 Illini Union
Like our Graf Intern Recruitment Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/ILC-Graf-Intern-Recruitment-2014-2015/1519356204971984 to learn more about the internship and to stay updated with the application process. Applications are due Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. and are available online now at http://leadership.illinois.edu/about/employment.asp! Contact ILCGrafIntern4@illinois.edu with application questions or concerns.
Thanks to the Illinois Leadership® Center listserv for this information item.