Yanai is a small, lovely city of approximately 50,000 people located in southern Japan facing the Inland Sea. It is an historic city with light industries, not far from Hiroshima, and the picturesque island of Miyajima.
The terms of the arrangement:
(1) One-month summer stay with Rotarians in Yanai, with room and board provided.
(2) Opportunities to learn tea ceremony, flower arrangement, calligraphy, and other arts.
(3) Interaction with Japanese families.
(4) Sight-seeing opportunities.
Some familiarity with the Japanese language and a demonstrated interest in Japanese culture are desirable.
If a Chancellor’s Scholar is selected as the Good-Will Ambassador, s/he will receive a $1,000 travel grant from the Campus Honors Program, and in addition the Champaign Rotary Club will also provide $500. Our Japanese co-sponsors and hosts prefer that the one-month summer stay take place from mid-June to mid-July.
To apply, the student should submit an application form (available in the Honors Office) and a brief supporting statement explaining how s/he can serve as a good-will ambassador. Applications are due to the Honors House Office on April 10, 2015 by 5:00 p.m. Please contact Elizabeth Rockman at rockman@illinois.edu if you have any questions.