“The Counseling Center is committed to providing a broad range of high quality, innovative, and ethical services that address the psychological, educational, social, and developmental needs of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign students. We also actively contribute to the campus’ broader academic mission by training and developing students and professionals, helping build a multicultural learning community, and providing leadership in forming collaborative partnerships among Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, the Graduate College, and Administrative Affairs units.”
The Larsen Award has been presented annually to persons or groups who enhance student development and maximize student capabilities to make effective and satisfying life choices. Eligibility is open to any person or group that is a part of our University community (except individuals associated with the Counseling Center).
Please consider nominating a deserving student, staff member, group, or yourself and forward this information to other department staff and campus constituents. I have included a link to our website where you may find additional information about the award as well as the nomination process/form: https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/4328125.
The deadline to receive nominations has been extended to Friday, April 10, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.
Thanks to Dynesha Mason Grissom of the Counseling Center for this information item.