Department of English Symposium, Tuesday, April 21, 5:00-7:00 PM, English Building Atrium
Studies in America, Latin America, and South Asian Studies
Divorce in American Literature, 1890-1940: Logan Lippert, Senior, English, LAS
Re:Search, the Undergraduate Literary Criticism Journal: Undergraduate Research and Academic Publishing
Logan Lippert, Senior, English, LAS
Marilyn MacNamara, Sophomore, English, LAS
Audrey Majors, Senior, English, LAS
Kevin Mallin, Senior, English, LAS
Nick Millman, Senior, English and Global Studies, LAS
Melisa Puthenmadom, Junior, English, LAS
Illinois Undergraduate Research Week Symposium, April 23, 2015, Illini Union
Oral presentations
Writers Workshop: Researching Our Practice: What Do We Know About Writers and Writing?
3:30-4:30PM, Room 217, Writing in Undergraduate Philosophy: Ryan Woods, Sophomore, Philosophy, LAS
Poster Presentations
PA Session – Food, Plants, and Animals, 9:00-10:15 AM, Illini Room A
Boar Urine Pheromone Exposure Modifies Estrous Cycle Length and Regularity in Same-Sex Housed Female Red River Hogs (Potamochoerus Porcus)
Monica Jarboe, Senior, Animal Sciences, ACES
Data-driven Characterization of an Electric Motor
Nicholas Balko, Junior, General Engineering, ENG
Synthesis and Characterization of Hollow Polydimethylsiloxane Microspheres
Samantha Fuchs, Senior, Chemistry, LAS
PC Session – Education -- 9:00-10:15 AM, South Lounge
The Use of Visual Supports in Special Education Classrooms
Morgan Havel, Freshman, Special Education, EDU
PE Session – Science and Mathematics, 10:45 AM-12:00 PM, Illini Room C
Personalized 3D Printed Bio-Absorbable Drug-Eluting Stent for the Treatment of Vascular Disease
Joseph Kus, Senior, Bioengineering, ENG
Divya Tankasala, Senior, Bioengineering, ENG
Ramya Babu, Junior, Bioengineering, ENG
The Broken Stick Problem in Three Dimensions: From a Classic Puzzle to Modern Distance Geometry
Yuliya Semibratova, Sophomore, Mathematics, LAS
Alexander Page, Sophomore, Computer Science, ENG
Yi Xuan, Junior, Mathematics, LAS
Eva Rui Zhang, Freshman, Actuarial Science, LAS
Embedded-width, a Variation on Treewidth
Robert Weber, Senior, Mathematics and Computer Science, LAS
PF Session – Social Sciences, Human Behavior, and Education, 10:45-12:00 PM, South Lounge
Featured Presentations, Lunch: 12:00-1:15 PM, Illini Union B
Things are Different: Bridging the Gap Between Parents and Teachers in a Chicago Head Start
Victoria Cross, Senior, Neuroscience, LAS
Einstein Meets Big Data: Searching for Exotic Objects with Bayesian Statistics
Sean McLaughlin, Senior, Physics, ENG
‘I Remember’ from Evening Primrose by Sondheim.
‘O mio babbino caro’, Lauretta’s aria from Giacomo Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi,
‘I Could Have Danced All Night’ from My Fair Lady by Frank Loewe (lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner).
Katherine Bokenkamp, Senior, Music – Vocal Performance, FAA
Accompanied by Casey Baker, Graduate Student, Piano, FAA
PG Session: Science and Mathematics, 1:30-2:45 PM, Illini Room A
Toricity Ratio Analysis for Lens Selection in Advanced Refractive Cataract Surgery
Lauren Gabra, Sophomore, Molecular and Cellular Biology, LAS
PH Session – Health, 1:30-2:45 PM, Illini Room C
Reversing Tumor-induced Immune Suppression
Rebekah Landsman, Senior, Molecular and Cellular Biology, LAS
PJ Session – Science and Mathematics, 3:15-4:30 PM, Illini Room C
Holocene Climatic Changes in the Alaskan Arctic as Inferred from Sedimentological and Oxygen-Isotopic Analyses at Wahoo Lake
Richard Vachula, Senior, Geology, LAS
College of Engineering’s Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) Symposium, Thursday, April 23, 4:30-6:30 PM, 210 Illini Union
Duration of Exertion and SCBA Design Affect Firefighter Balance
Grace Deetjen, Junior, Bioengineering, ENG
IMAGE OF RESEARCH COMPETITION, On Display, 9:00 AM–4:30 PM, Illini A, B, and C