Go to Memorial Stadium to:
Bring it ($1 donation or can of food for the Eastern Illinois Foodbank)
Work it (burn off some stress and get an amazing hard core workout)
Break it (the world record for the largest cardio boot camp record)
When: Thursday, Reading Day 5/7/15 (register between 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.), Tabata Boot Camp starts at 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Where: Memorial Stadium (enter at the WEST GATE between the ARC and the Stadium)
Bring your water bottle and wear your work out clothes for a fun “Tabata” styled work-out. All levels welcome, the goal is 3,000 people!
Sponsored by Division of Intercollegiate Athletics/Department of Recreation Sport and Tourism/Campus Recreation
Workout state sponsored by: Champaign Park District
Thanks to Lori Kay Paden of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism for this information item.