For several years, the CHP has also been setting aside a total of $1,000 per academic year to assist with the costs of travel to a professional conference where the student is participating (ie., not just attending as an observer, but presenting a paper or poster). The maxima for support are $100 for a poster session and $200 for a paper presentation. To apply for a conference travel grant, send a request outlining the details of your participation to CHP Associate Director Elizabeth Rockman at Please be sure to include:
The name of the conference, as well as when and where it will be held
*The nature of your participation (paper or poster presentation, title, names of any co-presenters, etc.)
* Whether you have applied for or secured support from any other program besides the CHP
*Any other relevant details
Upon return to campus, grant recipients will be expected to provide 1) documentation of travel (ideally a copy of pertinent pages of the conference schedule and copies of receipts for airfare and/or lodging), and 2) a one page report of their experience. Conference travel grant requests may be submitted throughout the academic year, but when the $1,000 fund has been exhausted, no further requests will be reviewed or grants awarded until the following academic year. Grants must be used in the same year they are awarded. Any questions may be directed to