“Breaking Down Racism” will explore how young people in America of different backgrounds experience race, ethnicity, and racism today. The series will continue in the spring with highlighting specific tools, campaigns, and changes necessary to combat racism and break down the institutional barriers to equality faced by communities of color.
Friday Forum will start on September 18, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. with Dr. Ruby Mendenhall on “Black Mothers in the “Hidden America”: Effects of Discriminatory and Unequal Housing.” Dr. Mendenhall is examining factors that put African-American mothers at risk for depression and cultural resources that protect them against depression. Dr. Mendenhall’s study is breaking new ground by examining how the stress experienced by mothers may lead to changes in gene expression as it relates to immune function.
Ruby Mendenhall is an Associate Professor at Illinois and holds joint faculty appointments in Sociology, African American Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, and Social Work.
Follow the event on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/1708280002727945/.
All Friday Forums take place at the University YMCA in Latzer Hall on Fridays at 12 noon during the fall and spring semesters. All Friday Forums are free and open to the public. Friday Forum is a program of the University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright St, Champaign. universityymca.org/friday_forum/
Sponsors: ACES Dean’s Office - College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Asian American Cultural Center, Atmospheric Sciences, Channing-Murray Foundation, The Chapel of Saint John the Divine Episcopal Church, Central Illinois Jobs with Justice, Counseling Center, College of Education, Department of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, First Mennonite Church, College of Education, McKinley Presbyterian Church and Foundation, Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prairie Research Institute, Social Action Committee of the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign, Urbana Baha'i Community, Urbana Champaign Friends Meeting, Wesley United Methodist Church, Wesley Foundation at the University of Illinois, Westminster Presbyterian Church, YWCA of the University of Illinois.
Thanks to the Asian American Cultural Center listserv for this information item.