“Women in Print” is a new peer-reviewed e-book series published by the University of Illinois that focuses on texts used in cultural history, gender studies, and literature courses. This is a “value-added” e-book designed to help students put these texts in context as they explore the physical book and its reception history. A truly collaborative project, “Women in Print” is the result of efforts by the Press, the Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Art + Design, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, and scholars from around the country. Members of the collaborative team will speak briefly with slides and demonstrations of this critical digital humanities project before taking questions from the audience. 40 minute presentation, followed by questions and a champagne reception hosted by the University of Illinois Press and the Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
Valerie Hotchkiss, Editor-in-chief – “The Impact of the Imprint: Digital Publishing at a University Press”
Brad Tober (Art + Design) – “When Less is More: Digital Humanities Portals and Navigation Design”
Chloe Ottenhoff (Library) – “The Book Beautiful in the Digital Age”
Paul Arroyo (U of I Press) – “Fresh Impressions: Technical Issues in High-quality E-publishing”
John Randolph (History Department, Source Lab) – Response from a colleague working in digital humanities
Thanks to the IPRH listserv and Dennis Sears of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library for this information item.