WHAT: A panel discussion with open Q&A focused on the importance of clean water for Illinois, as well as in general, and the threats it faces. Join the Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1646945918923166/ for updates.
WHO: Impact, Environment Illinois, and UIUC Students for Environmental Concerns - SECS. Amazing speakers include:
Kevin Wolz – CHP alum and PhD student in the Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology – http://wppresearch.org/people/
Dr. Murugesu Sivapalan – Professor of Civil & Environmental Engingeering and Geography & GIScience – http://cee.illinois.edu/faculty/murugesusivapalan
Allison Steffens – President of Students for Environmental Concerns – https://www.facebook.com/UIUCSECS
Jody Endres – Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences – http://nres.illinois.edu/directory/jendres2
WHERE: Gregory Hall Room 319
WHEN: September 30, 2015, 5:00 - 6:15 p.m.
WHY: Water is vital to life and threats to it are threats to us. We use water for everything in our life: drinking, growing, playing, and bathing. In Illinois we face a variety of water issues - nutrient runoff, pollution, sewage contamination, etc. There are also solutions though, and one of those went into effect on August 28, 2015. The Clean Water Rule closed loopholes in the Clean Water Act, restoring protections to over 48,000 miles of waterways in Illinois.
This event is part of Environment Illinois' campaign to defend the Clean Water Rule from congressional attack. On September 18 the US Senate introduced a measure to overturn the Clean Water Rule, the biggest step forward for clean water in over a decade. Given this pivotal time in our nation's history, this event is sure to shed some light on the future of Illinois's clean water.
There will be the opportunity at the end of the event to participate in the campaign, as well as learn more about working on social change as a full-time career after graduation. You can learn more about the campaign here: http://www.environmentillinois.org/programs/ile/protect-lake-michigan-0
Thanks to Brittany King of Impact for this information item.