Stories are being collected from students, staff and faculty who identify within the LGBTQ community to share stories about advocacy and allyship within the LGBTQ community. These will be compiled throughout the month of October and shared via social media and as a physical display in the LGBT Resource Center. If you’d like to participate, please send the following to Devon Guidoux at
*What does advocacy and/or allyship within the LGBTQ community look like to you?
Concrete examples, philosophical reasoning, research/article citations and personal narratives all welcome. Your answer can be as short or long as you’d like. They would also like to include identifying information alongside the quotes (optional but encouraged). Some examples of information you could include: Name in use, Pronouns, Position on campus, Degree/Program information, Campus or community organization affiliations
10/16/15: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.: Illini Media Building 4th Floor
All-Gender Self Defense Workshop, sign up at (*Priority will be given to trans individuals)
10/19/15: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.: Women's Resources Center
Quench: Part of OIIR's Lunch on Us Series
Presenter: Q&A, LGBTQ Outreach Team in the Counseling Center
Topic: Normalizing Mental Health Conversations
Quench is part of the Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relation’s Lunch on Us noontime discussion series. Each semester they work to collaborate with other campus groups to focus on the intersection of diverse social and LGBT issues. They also present a range of topics on facets of LGBT identity, culture, and history relevant to the LGBT and Ally communities.
10/19/15: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.: LGBT Resource Center
LGBT Center Awareness Day Celebration
10/20/15: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Illini Union 210
Kinky Consent: Dynamics of Consent within BDSM and Kink
Presenters: Jodi Thomas, Counseling Center, Devon Guidoux, LGBT Resource Center, Kim Rice, McKinley Health Center
10/21/15: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.: Education Building Room 42
Growing Up Trans: Documentary and Film Screening, Featuring a discussion with a local family highlighted in the film
10/26/15: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.: Women’s Resources Center
Hot Topics: Abuse Within Queer Relationships
Thanks to Dawn Brown of the LGBT Resource Center for this information item.