When is Winter Term?
Classes begin December 21, 2015 and end January 15, 2016.
How and when to degree-seeking U of I students register?
Our degree-seeking students will use Self-Service (https://apps.uillinois.edu/selfservice/index.html) by logging in and selecting “Winter 2015-2016” as the term in which they wish to enroll. Registration time tickets are the same for Winter 2015-2016 as they are for Spring 2016. The last day to add a Winter Session course via Self-Service is December 20, 2015.
Who is eligible to enroll in Winter Term courses?
In addition to degree-seeking undergraduate students from this campus, non-degree students may register through the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (http://citl.illinois.edu/). Remember that the four-week format isn’t going to be suited to every student, nor are some students going to do well in online courses. Treat advising for Winter Term the same as you would for Summer Session I in terms of the shortened format. Internet access and solid self-motivation are must-haves since these are online classes.
How many credit hours can a student take?
Students may take only one course in Winter Session; all available courses are either three or four credit hours. No overloads will be permitted.
What is the deadline to drop a class, elect Credit/No Credit, or request Grade Replacement?
The refund deadlines are posted on the Office of the Registrar’s website at https://registrar.illinois.edu/winter-academic-calendar-1516. The deadline to drop a Winter Session class is January 3, 2016. Through January 3, students will be able to drop the class on their own through Self-Service at https://apps.uillinois.edu/selfservice/index.html. After January 3, students are expected to follow their home academic unit’s policies and procedures for requesting a late drop. This same date, January 3, is the deadline for Credit/No Credit form submission as well as for students to request application of the campus’ Grade Replacement Policy.
How is tuition assessed?
Assessment of Winter Term tuition is on a per-credit hour basis using 2015-2016 Academic Year rates, similar to what was used for Summer, 2015 rates. Degree-seeking undergraduates will be assessed base rate tuition only. CITL non-degree students will be assessed tuition and CITL’s $50/credit hour administrative fee. Students with questions regarding tuition and fee rates should contact the Office of the Registrar (http://registrar.illinois.edu/financial/index.html). Payment in full for Winter Session will be due January 28, 2016. University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations (https://paymybill.uillinois.edu/) handles billing and payments.
Can students receive financial aid for Winter Term?
Financial Aid for winter term is extremely limited and will consist primarily of remaining Direct Loan eligibility and Parent PLUS loans. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at finaid@illinois.edu if you have specific questions.
Thanks to Kathryn A. Martensen of the Office of the Provost for this information item.