The White House Internship Program is a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. This hands-on program is designed to mentor and cultivate today's young leaders, strengthen their understanding of the Executive Office, and prepare them for future public service opportunities. Come learn about this competitive 3 1/2 month volunteer opportunity in Washington, DC, open to U.S. citizens from all majors and backgrounds, both graduate and undergraduate students. Applications for the Summer Internship cycle are due January 15, 2016. Former White House Intern and Presidential Appointee, Rachel Rubin, will discuss the application process and program requirements, as well as share her experiences as an Illini serving President Obama's administration.
Interested? Come to an event on Wednesday, November 4 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 404 David Kinley Hall. And, see: The White House Internship: A Public Service Leadership Program, https://www.whitehouse.gov/participate/internships.
Interested in studying abroad in Vienna, Austria while taking a course on Crisis Diplomacy with Professor John Vasquez? The course will run from May 15, 2016 through June 12, 2016. For more information, attend an information session on Monday, November 9 at 6:30 p.m. in David Kinley Hall Room 119. Or contact Professor Vasquez at vasqueja@illinois.edu
Thanks to Joseph Hinchliffe of the Department of Political Science for this information item.