The awards offered are:
*Nine (9) combined Make-A-Difference Awards & Isabelle Purnell Education Awards of $2,300
*One (1) Judith Life Ikenberry Fine Arts Award of $3,600
*One (1) Susan T. Haney Social Work Award of $3,000
*One (1) STEM Education Award of $3,000
*One (1) Peri Davis Ceperley Award of $2,300
To qualify, an applicant must:
*Be an undergraduate with at least 60 earned credit hours by the end of Fall 2015
*Have a GPA of 2.75 or above
*Graduate no earlier than December 2016
The Application Deadline is Monday, November 16, 5:00 p.m. (an application, résumé, essay, and Self-Service Integrate documents are required, so start early!).
Applicants will be notified via e-mail when applications are received. Semifinalists will be interviewed in late January or early February. Winners will be honored at a Scholarship Awards Brunch in early March 2016.
Online application & details can be found here:
Thanks to Patricia Simpson of the School of Chemical Sciences for this information item.