Spurlock Museum presents the following:
"Frederick Schwatka: Illinois's First Arctic Explorer" is on Wednesday, March 30, 2016, A talk by Adam Doskey, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Illinois. North of the Northern Lights and its associated events are sponsored by the Dr. Allan C. Campbell Family Distinguished Speaker Series and co-sponsored by the University of Illinois European Union Center, funded in part by a US Department of Education Title VI grant. This will be at 4:00 p.m., and is free. For further information, contact Beth Watkins at (217) 265-5485 or ewatkins@illinois.edu
Spurlock Museum WorldFest is on Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 12:30 – 4:00 p.m. (Suggested donation is $5). A whole afternoon of performances celebrates the wonderful variety of performance arts practiced around the world and offers hands-on activities for everyone. Note: NOTE: This is the first year the Museum has not had Illinois Arts Council funds to support its public performances. Your payment of the full suggested donation will help us to continue bringing in performers in the months to come. For further information, contact Kim Sheahan at (217) 244-3355 or ksheahan@illinois.edu
Event Series: Mindful Meditation takes place on Fridays from March 25 through May 13 from 11:30 – 12:00 p.m.: Take time to recharge! The Museum invites you to join leader Mary Wolters for Mindful Meditation. During each 30 minute session, Mary will help you bring a focus to your breathing and share tips for how to engage mindfully. Through the training and practice of mindful meditation, one can discover a calm and more fully appreciate the gift of each day. No registration or special equipment is necessary, and participants may attend as many or few sessions as they like. Metered parking is typically readily available around the museum. Cost: Free admission, donations to support the program are accepted. For further information, contact Brook Taylor at (217) 244-5597 or taylorb@illinois.edu
Thanks to Kim Sheahan of Spurlock Museum for these information items.