Monday, April 3, 2017
7:00 p.m. – Meet Stephen West: Informal Artist Talk w/ snacks/hangout/knitting (South Rec)
Come see Stephen West’s fabulous, playful, funky knitted creations and chat about life, knitting, dance, making your way as an independent artist in a variety of artistic media, and whatever else comes up. Feel free to bring your knitting or other handiwork. Non-knitters and non-artists welcome!
Tuesday, April 4
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. - Rehearsal for Thursday Fashion Show (Main Lounge)
Have you ever wanted to be in a fashion show? How about a dancing fashion spectacle with fantastic knitted creations by Stephen West? Join in for the rehearsal on Tuesday and you can strut your stuff on Thursday.
Thursday, April 6
7:00 p.m. - Allen Hall Dancing Fashion Show exhibiting Stephen West’s knitted creations (Main Lounge)
Join with Stephen, the CoLab class, Allen Hall students, and DJ Bro Code, for a fun event featuring Stephen's vibrant knitwear. Come and enjoy the spectacle, either as participant or audience. Free and open to the public. With post-show reception.
About Stephen West:
Stephen West is originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma and grew up in a creative musical household. After moving to the Chicago area, he found his two passions in high school, knitting and dance, which led him to study dance at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. Two years into the program he started to design his own knitting patterns and began a little knitting empire called Westknits. Westknits quickly grew into a full-time passion and job. Stephen decided to move to Amsterdam to finish his dance education. He studied choreography at the School for New Dance Development, while continuing to develop his knitting artistry. Stephen is now the author of several self-published knitting books and travels around the world sharing his designs and techniques. With over 200 published designs, Stephen's colorful knitted creations and fantasy filled photo shoots and videos have inspired thousands of knitters world-wide to let loose and create with bold colors and designs.
Thanks to Laura Haber of Unit One/Allen Hall for this information item.