The Schwarzman Scholarship provides a year of study leading to a Master's at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. All courses are taught in English. Seniors, graduate or professional students, and graduates under the age of 28 are eligible to apply. They seek future leaders in such areas as politics, business, or science, who seek a better understanding of China's role in the world. Students from any major can apply. The program expects to fully fund 200 students annually (40 from China, 90 from the U.S., and 70 from the rest of the world).
On Monday, April 3 from 4:00-5:00 pm in room 503 IUB, the National and International Scholarships Program will host a workshop for all Illinois candidates focused on tips to put together a competitive Schwarzman application.
More information on the Schwarzman Scholars program is at:
Thanks to Jeff Yockey of the National and International Scholarships Program for this information item.