Spring into Service Thursday, April 27, 2017
The Illini Union Office of Volunteer Programs (OVP) and Alpha Phi Omega (APO) invite you attend the Spring into Service Event that takes place during National Volunteer Week on Thursday, April 27 from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. in the Illini Union Courtyard Cafe. Engage in hands-on service projects and meet fellow students who share a passion for service as you donate your time to make a difference. Pre-register at http://go.illinois.edu/SpringintoService. Register as an individual or group. Walk-ins are also welcome. Bring your i-card for check-in.
To view a complete list of volunteer events and opportunities, go to http://go.illinois.edu/nationalvolunteerweek
IENGAGE Service Saturday - April 29, 2017
For celebrating National Volunteer Week, volunteer at Boneyard Creek Community Day with past iENGAGE participants on Saturday, April 29! iENGAGE programs are sponsored in part by the Office of Volunteer Programs (OVP), OIIR International Education, and International Student and Scholars Services (ISSS). For complete details and to sign-up for a spot, go to: http://go.illinois.edu/iENGAGE.
Thanks to the Office of Volunteer Programs for this information item.