Impact shares a vision of a better future. It’s a future in which a healthy economy depends on a healthy environment, not the other way around. It’s one in which markets are designed to serve consumers, not just corporations. And it’s one in which democracy belongs to all of us, not just the powerful. Impact interns will work on making the University of Illinois campuses commit to 100% renewable energy by 2018. Campuses lead the way in innovation, set an example for their communities, and also use consume a lot of energy. Thus, you are perfectly positioned to work toward a cleaner future!
Become a Grassroots Intern, Grasstops Intern, or Media Intern! Intern Responsibilities:
- Collecting petitions from students and faculty
- Enlist faculty to sign a letter committing to renewable energy
- Organize and attend on-campus events
- Writing letters to the editor and media work
As an intern, you’ll help educate and engage more students and citizens on this issue. You’ll help Impact get the issue into the media, build coalitions, and organize events.
You can read more about our internships on the website: Impact is happy to work with you to accommodate any requirements that may allow you to receive credit from your school or other entity. All intern applicants must commit to working until the end of the semester; internships are unpaid; and no future employment or preference for future employment will be provided to successful applicants. And if you’re graduating this year: You can also apply to be an Impact Campaign Organizer – a full-time program that’s all about winning concrete, lasting change in our country. You can read more about becoming a campaign organizer on their website:
Thanks to Lianne May of Impact for this information item.