The Office of Undergraduate Research is now accepting submissions for the 4/19/18 Undergraduate Research Syposium! The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 15-21), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. For more information on Undergraduate Research Week, the URS, and OUR programs, please visit the OUR website at:
Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Friday, February 16, 2018, at 11:59 pm. The application can be found at Questions may be addressed to; please put “URS Application” in the subject line.
The Office of Undergraduate Research is currently accepting applications for the following grant: Undergraduate Research Support Grant - This grant provides students from all disciplines with the funds necessary to conduct research or creative projects during the academic year both on and off campus (including summer terms). Awards will be up to $2,000 and are meant to cover research travel costs, living expenses incurred during academic breaks (i.e., winter break and summer terms, NOT regular semester living expenses), and materials or other ancillary costs. We hope that this competition will both broaden and deepen the types of research being conducted by undergraduate students on campus, and that the recipients are able to use this opportunity as a way of engaging with their fields. The deadline for applications is October 19 at 11:59pm. For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit: