The Campus Bicycle Census is on October 11, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. -- across campus, at all bike racks. What do you need: A smartphone and a bicycle, preferably. People without bikes or smartphones will have accommodations made for them! Everyone is invited. Map of Campus Area (organized into “blocks”):
Help count bikes across campus! To better understand the demand for bicycle infrastructure, programming, and services, as well as to better track the impact of past improvements, regular bicycle counts are recommended for the University to know exactly how many bikes are on campus at any given time throughout each school year.
Map of bike parking and bike information collected here: This last year has seen big improvements to campus bike racks. More bike parking has been added and old racks has been replaced. So much more can be done and the Bicycle Census information helps figure this information out. Let everyone know: many people do bike and better bicycle facilities are needed!
Volunteer Sign Up is here:
Thanks to Lily Wilcock of Facilities and Services for this information item.