“Picturing the Law: Visual Culture and Legal Publishing” is on October 10, 2017 from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the 346 Main Library, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, Sponsor: The Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Mike Widener, Rare Book Librarian and lecturer in legal research at the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School, will discuss the tradition of illustrating law books from the Middle Ages to the present day. These books were published for many audiences, including legal professionals, law students, and lay readers; functionally, they served to symbolize, depict, teach, and beautify the law. Special attention will be paid to Italian books, in order to highlight the incredible holdings of Italian imprints in the Cavagna Collection in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Illinois.
“Archive of Violence: Literature, Testimony and the Progroms of the Russian Civil War” is on October 11, 2017 from 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in 321 Main Library, 1408 W Gregory Dr, Urbana, IL 61801. Speaker: Professor Harriet Murav, Contact: Joe Lenkart, lenkart@illinois.edu, 217-333-1349, Sponsor: International and Area Studies Library. Although much is written about the end result of research, understanding the research process itself remains an exciting area of scholarship. Each Research Spotlight Series installment will highlight a scholar's work and discuss the author's research journey. We are pleased to have Professor Harriet Murav (Slavic Languages and Literature) as our inaugural speaker.
Thanks to Jason Quackenbush of the University Library for these information items