Terry Dame is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, instrument inventor/builder, sound artist, and educator. Dame’s current work involves creating and performing with interactive sensor-driven musical instruments, sculptures, and installations. She has an active career composing for film and dance. From 1998-2012 she led the percussion-based ensemble Electric Junkyard Gamelan, performing her original compositions on invented instruments of her design and build. She tours nationally, performing and teaching workshops on instrument building with recycled objects and interactive technologies. She is currently on the faculty of the School of Visual Arts and Marymount Manhattan College in NYC. All events are free and open to the public and take place in Allen Hall, 1005 W. Gregory Drive, U.
Sunday, February 18: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. – Meet Terry Dame: Self-proclaimed amateur mad scientist will present her work with invented musical contraptions and creative technologies (south rec). Terry Dame is a composer, sound artist, multi-instrumentalist, instrument inventor/builder and educator. From the percussion-based ensemble Electric Junkyard Gamelan to EDM to interactive sensor-driven musical instruments, sculptures, and installations, Terry Dame’s musical and visual creations are exciting, unexpected, and innovative.
Monday, February 19: 7:00 p.m. - Listening to the Soundscapes of our World (meet at south rec for a walk). Through a sound walk and field recording we will use listening techniques to explore the fascinating sonic landscapes of the world around us.
9pm – Tea Time: Let’s talk about sustainability in art and life (guest apartment)
Tuesday, February 20: 7:00 p.m. - Visualizing Sound: Exploring the audio-visual connection (south rec). Participants will create visual scores from soundscape recordings. We will also discuss the phenomenon of synesthesia - where one sensory pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a secondary sensory pathway.
9pm – Tea Time: Let’s play with improvising/performing a visual score using objects in a room (guest apartment)
Wednesday, February 21: 7:00 p.m. - Build a Contact Mic (south rec). A contact microphone, also known as a pickup or a piezo, is a form of microphone that senses audio vibrations through contact with solid objects. They are easy to make and fun to play with. Participants will build their own piezo disk contact mic and explore using piezo disks as sensors for drum triggers and other midi controller applications. No previous experience necessary!
9pm – Tea Time: Let’s talk about virtual reality and artificial intelligence (guest apartment)
Thursday, February 22: 7:00 p.m. - Build a Light Theremin (south rec). A Light Theremin is a simple to build instrument that uses light and shadows to create sound. Participants will build their own light theremin featuring the classic DIY builder’s tried and true favorite, the 555 timer chip. No previous experience necessary!
Thanks to Laura Haber of Unit One/Allen Hall for this information item.