Integrity (3/10): Integrity is all about ethical leadership. At this program, you will be faced with ethical challenges in order to learn how to successfully navigate them with the help of skilled facilitators. Register by logging into http://leadership.illinois.edu/!
Petullo Insight (4/07): Insight focuses on self-awareness and self-management skills. You will be prompted to explore your strengths and personal values while examining your personal leadership style and philosophy. As our model dictates, leadership all starts with YOU, and this program is a great jumping off point to exploring leadership within your life. Register by logging into http://leadership.illinois.edu/!
Leadership Certificate
Personal Development Plan (PDP) Workshop 2/19 at 4pm
Portfolio & Completion Workshop 2/22 at 3pm
Info Session 2/22 at 4pm
Writing Reflection Paper Workshop 2/23 at 3pm
Portfolio & Completion Workshop 3/1 at 1pm
PDP Workshop 3/2 at 3:30pm
Leadership Workshop Series
Workshop Wednesday: Empathy (2/21) This workshop will help you understand the importance of empathy and learn skills to enhance your personal empathy skills for future interactions with others. Visit http://leadership.illinois.edu/ to sign up!
RSO Workshops: Visit http://leadership.illinois.edu/ to request a workshop from trained ILC facilitators for your RSO! Workshop topics include: CliftonStrengths, Communication, Conflict Management, Empathy, Teamwork, Strategic Planning, and Motivation.
Student Book Club: This month, the ILC Student Book Club book is Drive by Daniel H. Pink. In this provocative and persuasive new book, Pink asserts that the secret to high performance and satisfaction--at work, at school, and at home--is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world. Interested in participating? Sign up at http://leadership.illinois.edu/.