OVP Staff will lead a local service trip to Delight Flower Farm in Champaign, to help prepare for spring planting. Delight Flower Farm is an environmentally friendly flower farm providing our community with a local, chemical-free flower grower that helps aid in land and pollinator restoration. Meet at the Fish tank in the Illini Union by 8:00 am. Please arrive promptly. Release forms will be signed at that time and have coffee and bagels before heading out to the farm. This event will last from 8:00 am-12:00 pm.
Registration closes Wednesday, April 25: https://discovery.illinois.edu/discovery/DS?entityID=https%3A%2F%2Fillinois.edu%2Fshibboleth&return=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.illinois.edu%2FShibboleth.sso%2FLogin%3FSAMLDS%3D1%26target%3Dss%253Amem%253Ad882267eef743befbe470ff55f81979059baae61706105fb6f70f9efc379d760