We tend to use a number of abbreviations that are helpful to know:
CHP = Campus Honors Program. Students in the CHP are called Chancellor’s Scholars.
HoHo = Honors House, 1205 West Oregon Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801 (where many of your classes are, and most of the fun!) *The Honors House office is open 8:30 – 5 p.m. M-F unless otherwise noted; the Honors House is otherwise open Monday – Thursday 5-10 p.m. as well, for studying, SAS programs, and HSC events.*
HSC = Honors Student Council, the student organization that plans great programs for all Chancellor’s Scholars. Current officers are James Tiao (President), Justin Tiao (Vice President, Academic Engagement), Taylor Falconer (Co-Vice President, Social Engagement), Robert Vitek (Co-Vice President, Social Engagement), Ethan Frobish (Vice President, Publications), Trennedy Kleczewski (Vice President, Arts and Community Engagement), and Madyson Locke (Secretary). HSC meetings are open to all Chancellor’s Scholars, and the first bi-weekly meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 28 in Room 212 of the Honors House, with more info on the fall schedule for other meetings and events to follow.
KDR = Krannert Dress Rehearsals. These are held in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (KCPA), 500 S. Goodwin, Urbana. The schedule for KDRs is posted at http://honors.illinois.edu/Krannert%20Dress%20Rehearsal%20Series.shtml, and sign-ups are open.
SAS = Scholar Adventurers Series of faculty lectures and special workshops, often held in the Honors House classroom (room 212). The schedule for SAS programs is posted at http://honors.illinois.edu/Scholar%20Adventure%20Series.shtml, and sign-ups are open.
Publications: The CHP Annual is being sent to your homes, and can be found at http://honors.illinois.edu/docs/chp_annualnewsletter_18.pdf.(you can help contribute to stories by joining HSC's Publication Committee and/or contacting Elizabeth Rockman at rockman@illinois.edu. CHP's Equinox Literary Arts Magazine is also managed by Honors Student Council (watch your e-mail for how to get involved), and NewBytes, this CHP electronic e-newsletter, is sent on Mondays, and items can be sent to rockman@illinois.edu.