Are you a sophomore or junior in a STEM discipline that aims to pursue a Ph.D. in your field? Do you already have research experience and strong academic performance? If so, you may be interested in applying for the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.
The National and International Scholarships program will be hosting a two-day informational event for students to learn more about this opportunity. On October 18th, attendees will receive an overview of the scholarship as well as have a chance to talk with a former Goldwater Scholarship recipient from Illinois. On October 19, the Scholarships Program will offer a workshop on how to write a competitive scholarship packet. We encourage you to attend both events:
Goldwater Information Session on Thursday, October 18, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in 514 Illini Union Bookstore: This session will include advice from a previous Illinois Goldwater recipient (Hosted by the National and International Scholarships Program).
Goldwater Writing Workshop Friday, October 19th, 3:00-4:00 pm in 514 Illini Union Bookstore: (Hosted by the National and International Scholarships Program).
For more information, contact the scholarships office at or visit our website at
Thanks to Suzanna Challen of the National and International Scholarships Program for this information item.