Alan Nathan, Professor Emeritus, Physics
Thursday, March 28, 2019
5:15 – 6:30 p.m. (including light dinner)
212 Honors House (unless otherwise notified)
It’s the start of the Major League Baseball season! And we will learn more about the dynamics of the collision between the ball and bat and the aerodynamics of a baseball in flight – including new technologies that enable the study of these topics with unprecedented precision.
Alan Nathan has been engaged in this baseball research for over two decades, and he is regularly consulted about this work by national organizations. Professor Nathan has served on the editorial board of the journal Sports Engineering and has served on panels advising Major League Baseball, the Amateur Softball Association, the NCAA, and USA Baseball. His previous research focused on the field of intermediate energy nuclear physics, particularly the study of the quark structure of the nucleon, using the Compton scattering reaction as a probe.