Chris Capozziello is an American photojournalist whose work has been published and exhibited worldwide. Since he first picked up a camera as a teenager, Chris has been drawn to photographing his twin brother Nick, who has cerebral palsy. The time Chris spends looking through his camera at Nick has forced him to ask questions about suffering and faith and why anyone is born with disability. As family photographs, the images of Nick were not originally made to be shared, but they have since been widely distributed and are the subject of Chris’s first monograph, The Distance Between Us. In this presentation, Chris will show his work and discuss how his photographs of Nick’s life, and of their shared life, have provided a reflexive space within which Chris has been able to recognize and process the anger and shame he felt growing up as the healthy twin.
This program is in Spurlock Museum Knight Auditorium, 600 S. Gregory, Reception to follow.
Hosted by: Department of Journalism
In conjunction with: College of Applied Health Sciences, Department of Media and Cinema Studies, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, Department of Psychology, Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services, School of Art+Design, School of Social Work, Spurlock Museum, Unit One/Allen Hall