We tend to use a number of abbreviations that are helpful to know:
CHP = Campus Honors Program. Students in the CHP are Chancellor’s Scholars.
HoHo = Honors House, 1205 West Oregon Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801 (where many of your classes are, and most of the fun!) *The Honors House office is open 8:30 – 5 p.m. M-F unless otherwise noted; the Honors House is otherwise open Monday – Thursday 5-10 p.m. as well, for studying, SAS programs, and HSC events.*
HSC = Honors Student Council, the student organization that plans great programs for all Chancellor’s Scholars. Current officers are James Tiao (President), Justin Tiao (Vice President, Academic Engagement, and President-Elect), Ashley Hornig (Co-Vice President, Social Engagement), Rony Midya (Co-Vice President, Social Engagement), Ethan Frobish (Vice President, Publications), Trennedy Kleczewski (Vice President, Arts), Niraj Lawande (Co-Vice President, Community Engagement), Andrew Schollmeijer (Co-Vice President, Community Engagement), and Jacob Fritchie (Secretary and Social Media Chair). HSC meetings are open to all Chancellor’s Scholars, and the first bi-weekly meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3 in Room 212 of the Honors House, with more info on the fall schedule for other meetings and events to follow.
KDR = Krannert Dress Rehearsals. These are held in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (KCPA), 500 S. Goodwin, Urbana. The schedule for KDRs is posted at http://honors.illinois.edu/Krannert%20Dress%20Rehearsal%20Series.shtml, and sign-ups are open.
SAS = Scholar Adventurers Series of faculty lectures and special workshops, often held in the Honors House classroom (room 212). The schedule for SAS programs is posted at http://honors.illinois.edu/Scholar%20Adventure%20Series.shtml, and sign-ups are open.
Publications: The CHP Annual is being sent to your homes, and can be found at http://honors.illinois.edu/docs/chp_annualnewsletter_19.pdf. You can help contribute to stories by joining HSC's Publication Committee and/or contacting Elizabeth Rockman at rockman@illinois.edu. CHP's Equinox Literary Arts Magazine is also managed by Honors Student Council (watch your e-mail for how to get involved), and NewBytes, this CHP electronic e-newsletter, is sent on Mondays, and items can be sent to rockman@illinois.edu.