To become a member of the 2019 UI Homecoming Court, applications must be submitted by Monday, September 9 by 5 p.m. (go to and click “Homecoming Court”) -- read all the information regarding the application process and expectations.
Candidates must have earned at least 90 hours with a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Students who are selected for 2nd round interviews must be available for the interview from 9/16-9/19. Individuals chosen to be members of the Homecoming Court must attend a MANDATORY meeting on 10/1, and the Homecoming Court is requested to attend a number of activities from 10/13-10/19. Members of the Homecoming Court will receive a limited number of 10/19 game tickets. There is no guarantee at the number of tickets that will be available to the court. In addition, court members traditionally receive invitations to other Homecoming festivities, so keep your calendars free!
Questions regarding this application or the Homecoming Court should be directed to Homecoming Court coordinators Denise R Poindexter, Melissa Kisubika or January Boten at