Peace Paper Project at Unit One/Allen Hall: Drop-in Papermaking, Pulp Painting, and Pulp Printing Workshops is taking place Monday, September 16 – Friday, September 20 from 12-2pm & 7-10pm in front of Allen Hall, 1005 W. Gregory Drive, U.
Drop in anytime! Free and open to the public. (Pick up completed paper at the front desk of Allen Hall)
Peace Paper Project Facilitators Johnny LaFalce and Drew Matott will conduct ongoing drop-in papermaking workshops in front of Unit One/Allen Hall. You will use bicycle power to transform old clothing into paper pulp and then make beautiful sheets of paper! You will explore contemporary applications of papermaking -- pulp painting and pulp printing. Pulp painting uses finely processed pulps as a fine art drawing tool; pulp printing uses silkscreen stencils and overbeaten pulps to print images and text onto the sheets of paper. Participants will also be able to transform their own images and text into pulp printing stencils.
Johnny LaFalce is a papermaker and painter from Buffalo, NY. He uses his art to explore issues of social justice and he collaborates with Peace Paper Project on the development and creation of exhibits and portfolios. Drew Matott is a master papermaker with an expertise in using traditional papermaking as trauma therapy, social engagement, and community activism. He directs the vision and strategy of Peace Paper Project, which designs community-based papermaking studios that utilize paper arts for healing and community empowerment. Since 2011, he has conducted hundreds of workshops worldwide.