Congratulations on presenting your work at the recent Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Would you like to make your presentation available online? Submit your poster – or any undergraduate work! – to the institutional repository. Browse work that has been submitted by past students:
Benefits to depositing your work into IDEALS:
Long term preservation and increase exposure to your work. Future members of our academic community can build off the questions that you asked in your research. You will receive a permanent URL that can be used in your resume for persistent access. Your work will be indexed in Google. This is a great way to establish your reputation as a scholar. You can see the number of downloads for your work while contributing to the record of Illinois scholarship.
It’s as simple as filling out a quick form and uploading your work:
We will process your work with 1-2 days and you will receive an email with the permanent URL.
Don’t forget to add your poster presentation to your resume! Here’s an example:
APA Citation Style
Hensley, M. K. (2012, May 1). Sharing the road: Observations of autos, pedestrians, and bikes. Poster session presented at biannual EUI Student Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
Please direct any questions to Merinda Hensley (Assistant Professor, University Library):