URW 2017 is Coming…..
Undergraduate Research Week 2017 is almost upon us (April 23-29; with a few early birds beginning this week), and its bigger than ever! URW showcases the best of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at the U of I. Campus events include workshops on getting started in research, special exhibits, and colloquia sponsored by individual departments, programs, and units, highlighting the best of our students’ work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium, URW’s day-long signature event, will see hundreds of students from all academic disciplines share their research through oral panels, poster presentations, and performances. A highlight of the Symposium is our special lunch time session, with 4 of our best and brightest demonstrating the range of research that occurs at Illinois, from the scarcity of African-Americans in STEM fields to the future of renewable energy. We invite you to come be inspired!
You can find our program on our website at: http://undergradresearch.illinois.edu/researchweek.html
Stay up-to-date on URW events by following us on Twitter @ugresearch_UI and Facebook @UGResearchIllinois