Last Updated: August 25, 2021
Please check back regularly for updates.
Important information regarding research-related travel, including undergraduate student researchers
For faculty and staff supporting undergraduate researchers:
For undergraduate researchers participating in off-campus research:
As COVID-19 requirements and protocols continue to evolve, the Illinois Office of Undergraduate Research is committed to supporting the University, and its students, faculty, and staff, in its research and educational mission. Please read the below carefully before participating in research on or off campus. If you have questions, please contact us at:, or (217) 300-5453.
Best Practices for Academic Year 2021/22
With guidance by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation, and their respective departments or units, researchers have created local safety plans that have been approved by their units.
[NOTE: Effective July 30, 2021, face coverings are required in all University facilities.]
Action Plans
Below you will find guidance and resources offered by the Office of Undergraduate Research (in accordance with University protocols) to ensure safe research practices for students and their mentors. Information on this page will be updated continuously, as we respond to the situation and new resources and information are made available. Please also see the University of Illinois’ COVID19 webpage for the latest campus updates.
For Student Researchers
The return to face-to-face on-campus operations for Fall 2021 also allows for a return to 'in-person' research. However, you should only participate in on campus or field research if you feel you are able to do so safely and in accordance with University and State of Illinois policies. If you are concerned about your working environment, please bring these concerns to your research supervisor immediately. If you are unable to reach a satisfactory solution, you should then contact your academic advisor, department head, or college dean. Should you require help with this process, please contact OUR at
All students conducting on-campus or field research are required to follow safety guidance developed by the lead faculty or research staff. Ask your research supervisor to share their locally-approved plan with you. Typically, such plans include:
- continuing to follow all standard safety procedures;
- wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in all university buildings and field work sites, or other protective equipment as required by your lab or other research setting;
- observing hand sanitation through frequent hand washing (soap and water) or use of hand sanitizer, to be supplied by the University;
- regularly disinfecting workspace, equipment, field site, vehicles for transportation, and office surfaces (cleaning supplies will be provided by the University);
- practicing physical distancing, and;
- completing mandatory COVID-19 online training and participation in mandatory COVID-19 vaccination or testing, and contact tracing.
We encourage you to discuss and set mutual expectations with your research supervisor. Discussion topics on COVID-19 safety can be found below:
- Plan for moving non-essential in-person activities to virtual platforms (e.g., in-person meetings)
- Plan to observe above hygiene and sanitation protocols, including physical distancing;
- Expectations for disinfecting shared work, office, and other common areas, including location of cleaning supplies;
For Mentors and Supervisors of Undergraduate Researchers:
Any ‘in-person’ participation should be in accordance with appropriate safety and health precautions as provided by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation, and the Division of Research Safety. Researchers should have created local safety plans that have been approved by their departments or units.
Safety Plans. Guidance and more information about safety plans, including all relevant trainings, (i.e., COVID19 Safety Training), guidance for shared facilities and space readiness, may be found at:
Mutual expectations. We encourage you to discuss and set mutual expectations with your undergraduate researchers, including:
- Safety plan
- Plan for moving non-essential in-person activities to virtual platforms (including in-person meetings), as appropriate
Questions, Concerns, or Feedback:
Should you have any questions about any of the foregoing, please contact our office at