Summer Hiring
The Human-Wildlife Interactions Lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is recruiting two Field Telemetry Technicians and one Field Acoustic Technician to aid in an 11-week study of bats in the northern plains of Missouri. The Missouri Bat Project is an 8-year study and collaboration between UIUC and the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). The main goal of the project is to understand how federally endangered Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) are affected by timber management on MDC conservation lands. Technicians will aid in gathering data on bat distributions and roosting ecology on six conservation areas. The positions are heavily field based with most time spent outdoors collecting field data. Conditions, including weather, may vary and are likely to include working in rain and around biting insects and ticks. Therefore, applicants should be confident in field abilities and should consider the physical demands of the work. Must have a flexible schedule and be able to work long hours and different times and days (including weekends and nights, as needed). You will live and work in a team environment. The position offers an excellent opportunity to conduct research on federally listed bats and to gain experience working alongside state wildlife biologists and bat ecologists.
Telemetry Technicians Job Requirements: The successful candidates will be responsible for the following: 1) locating Indiana bat day roosts using homing and triangulation radio-telemetry with Yagi antennas, topographical maps, GPS, and compass; 2) collecting data on roost tree characteristics (DBH, tree species identification); 3) conducting nightly exit counts at roosts located with telemetry; 4) completing data entry; and 5) assisting with a variety of additional field/lab activities, as needed.
Acoustic Technician Job Requirements: The successful candidate will be responsible for the following: 1) deploying Anabat Swift devices in various locations to conduct acoustic surveys; 2) managing acoustic call files and completing data entry; 3) conducting exit counts at bat roosts; 4) helping to locate bats with telemetry; and 5) assisting with a variety of additional field/lab activities, as needed. Navigating through rugged, forested areas using a GPS, compass, and map will be required.
Location: Northeastern Missouri. The nearest city is Kirksville, MO.
Salary: $15.50/hour for 11 weeks starting around mid-May.
Bunk housing and field vehicles will be provided. The University of Illinois will not pay for relocation costs (moving expenses).
For further information contact Casey Wagnon (
To apply for this position, please combine your cover letter describing your interest in the project and your long-term goals, a resume, and contact information for three references into one pdf file and send to Casey Wagnon ( Applications received by 01 December 2023 will be given highest consideration. In the subject line of your email, please indicate for which position(s) you are applying, followed by “MO Bat Tech 2024."