Duties and Responsibilities: In collaboration with the PI and a postdoctoral researcher
with experience in surveys the graduate student will be able to:
● Assist in design and implementation of both email and paper versions of survey.
● Experiment with various approaches in survey design and administration to
maximize participation and response rate.
● Supervise digitization of data (for paper surveys) drawing upon a team of
undergraduate research assistants.
● Monitor survey responses to identify problems in survey and correct them.
● Contribute as a co-author in conducting analysis and writing a scientific journal
article for submission to a peer-reviewed journal.
Preferred Skills:
● Ability to work independently and research best practices to improve survey
design, administration, and analysis, and bring findings to team for discussion.
● Ability to use spatially-explicit land ownership polygons and land cover datasets
to connect survey responses to land cover and other land ownership
● Knowledge of approaches to increasing response rate, reducing survey error and
bias, and controlling for other methodological issues that could affect landowner
interest and participation in a study focused on wildlife and conservation.
● Knowledge and experience in quantitative data analysis methods, preferably in R
or Python.
● Strong writing skills for drafting materials to be published in peer-reviewed
literature and other publications. Co-authorship is welcome and encouraged.
● Experience with creative data visualization.