OYDP AT-RISK FIELD INSTRUCTOR: A Temporary, Full-time Position. Pay: $550-$600 twice a month plus room, board and insurance. Dates: Start: 9-1-2015.
Location: Clemson University/ Youth Learning Institute, Summerton, South Carolina.
Qualifications: BA or BS in Outdoor Education, Adventure Programming, Math, Science, English, Social Studies, or other related subjects is preferred. • Must have experience teaching at-risk students (behavior or learning differences) • Must have patience, understanding, flexibility, and a high level of energy. • Must demonstrate teaching skills and the ability to implement creative “hands on” teaching methods. • Must be willing to sacrifice, adapt and work hard as part of a team pursuing an objective. • Must be physically able to perform the tasks required to teach outdoor adventure events.
Duties: The Outdoor Youth Development Program works with expelled or suspended students from the county school district. The program focuses on behavior modification and incorporates problem solving skills, interpersonal and intrapersonal awareness, outdoor skills, high adventure, science, outdoor education, and experiential activities to teach and improve behavior. The school runs on a regular schedule with the students arriving by bus in the mornings and picked up in the afternoon. Students stay over night every other week for field trips and short adventure trips as well as multi-day adventure trips throughout the school year. Responsible for children during programming. • Develop and teach classes in specified areas (such as Math, Science, English, Social Studies, high adventure, personal development, tripping, etc…) • Write weekly lesson plans for the classes you are teaching. • Be actively involved in all program activities, leading and participating in evening recreational and instructional times and multi-day trips and activities. • Assist in developing a personalized treatment plan for each student. • Assist with routine clean up and set up of program areas. • Perform direct supervision of children while involved with activities. • Counsel students in conflict resolution and problem-solving skills. • Facilitate groups utilizing adventure activities.
Application: Send Resume and 3 references.
Contact: Clemson University/ Youth Learning Institute, 8001 MW Rickenbaker Rd., Summerton, South Carolina 29148. Ph: 864-878-1103, Email: ceharpe@clemson.edu.
Filing Date: 9/23/15