Development of a carbon dioxide barrier to deter the movement of invasive fishes
The University of Illinois is hiring one biologist for the 2017 field season (May through December 2017) to assist with studies that quantify the impacts of elevated carbon dioxide on invasive fishes. Results will help aid in the development of a non-physical barrier to deter the movement of invasive fishes.
Responsibilities include collecting data on research projects involving laboratory exposure of fishes to elevated carbon dioxide, assisting with laboratory trials of fish swimming and behavior in elevated carbon dioxide, data analyses, writing and sharing results with the scientific community. Work will be conducted in collaboration with several state and federal agency partners. Travel to work with partners at field sites will occur, and a valid driver’s license is required.
Minimum position requirements include BS in biology, ecology, animal behavior, fisheries or a related field, experience performing research (collecting, analyzing and interpreting data), ability to work independently, and be a strong team member. Valid driver’s license also required. Organization, trouble shooting and problem solving skills are an asset.
Preferred qualifications include MS in biology, ecology, animal behavior, fisheries or a related field, experience independently performing research on topics related to animal behavior (collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, preparing data for peer-reviewed outlets) or any aspect of fish biology, and experience with fish handling/husbandry.
To apply, please send a cover letter explaining your interest and qualifications, CV/resume, transcripts (unofficial copies are OK) and names and contact information (including phone numbers and email addresses) of two references to Dr. Cory Suski (;