SWATeam Clerks
Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment
Paid Internship
Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) progress is advised and supported by six campus Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams for short).
Job Duties:
iSEE is hiring three paid interns to assist with the following:
- Updating the iCAP Portal (repository for all iCAP projects) with pertinent monthly updates for each “in progress” project, including the SWATeam meeting minutes;
- Scheduling and recording SWATeam meetings — bi-weekly for each team;
- Doing specific work to assist with the implementation of iCAP objectives, as directed by administration; and
- Providing monthly updates to outside groups.
How to Apply:
Contact Micah Kenfield at kenfield@illinois.edu with a resume and a brief statement of interest. Each position will require at least eight hours per week of work.