Small Farm Internship, Sustainable Student Farm
UIUC Campus
Due 12/12/19
- Small Farm Internship Orientation [HORT 199: 2 credits (SP20 2nd 8 wk)]
- Summer Internship (May 26-August 21) - $250/wk +
- Register for HORT 393: 3 credits (FA20)
- The Spring 8-week course will cover basics in small farming and farm planning, Good Agricultural Practices training, and research/project proposal writing.
- Summer work on the SSF consists of planting, hand weeding, harvesting and other basic farm duties. The majority of the work will take place outside. Must be able to lift 40 pounds.
- Potential project examples:
- FarmBot coding (ABE and CS+CPSC)
- Website, Social Media, Advertising (AGCM)
- Educational material development (AGED)
- Living mulch planting trials (CPSC, ESE, NRES)
- No-till method trial (CPSC, ESE, NRES)
- Compost project (CPSC, ESE, NRES)
- Meal planning using seasonal crops (FSHN)
- Send cover letter and resume including two references to Erin Harper by December 12th